Video Script – Food Waste Blueprint (7m30)
For those of you who prefer to read to watching videos or listening, we’ve put together the text script for each video below:
Ok so you’ve seen the high level blueprint plan, let’s drill down and make it easier to see how it will work at a smaller and more achievable level.
Let’s pick one solution…Food Waste and work out at a high level what we would need to do to solve this ‘wicked problem’ of how badly we waste resources around the world to grow food that ends up rotting in landfill and turns into methane a particularly potent greenhouse gas.
Our plan at a high level is to empower the millions of existing businesses, non-profits, government departments, research institutes and food growers, manufacturers and logistics companies to win.
We want to get them collaborating, We want them working smarter not harder, We want them raising their ambition of how big a contribution they can make with their superpowers to reduce food waste and help flatten the greenhouse gas curve.
We want them identifying what they need and what they can offer and then empower them to take urgent and meaningful action.And we want their leadership teams, their managers, workers and supporters to see how valuable a contribution they make towards a regenerative world of hope, action, collaboration and community.
It still seems a bit big ?
So let’s chunk it down further and pick a region and see the replicable blueprint of how we dramatically reduce food waste in that region in 5 short years.
Let’s pick Victoria in Australia. A region of almost 7 million people. Probably about 0.2% of the world’s problem. In other words one 500th. Imagine the results if we can get Food Waste Victoria working and then multiply it 500-fold globally.
So here’s our Blueprint plan for Food Waste Victoria. We know we need to get hundreds of Food Waste businesses and non profits and thousands of food growers and manufacturers making a meaningful contribution, collaboratively and urgently.
It all starts with our global Food Waste Crowd Equity funding campaign which is designed to not only raise some financial resources and create future wealth for our backers, but even more importantly engage and onboard those businesses, non profits and other organizations into our Food Waste community.
Our Pay It Forward campaign is the key to this. We find people who might work for these organizations or just care about reducing Food Waste and solving the Climate Crisis.
We give them the opportunity to own shares in Food Waste Climateers Pty Ltd….one of hundreds of global subsidiaries companies of Climateers.
For each $100 they invest, they receive a Founders package to pay forward. They can then go to our Food Waste Victoria directory that has already been prepopulated with the organizations and their logos that we’ve previously identified.
They can see just how much good work is already happening as they look at the the ‘ecosystem map’ of logos.
They can see which organizations have already accepted their pay it forward founders package and which ones have not as yet and they can then approach them with the offer, (avoiding those who have politely declined).
Our eLearning platform then onboards the organization so they can decide how many of our tools and systems they want to take advantage of.
We start them with setting up their directory listing and taking a stocktake of what they need to succeed and what they have to offer the wider Food Waste Victoria community.
We then introduce them to Climateers Community Spaces…our online collaboration spaces that will help them maximise their success. A Space is a little familiar to them. It’s a bit like a facebook group. It can be private or public. It has all those features where people can share and interact…but it’s so much more. It becomes a searchable information hub for retrieving information and news. It’s an online learning and training platform for empowering the staff and supporters who are part of it.
It has the ‘ecosystem design thinking’ tools and systems to maximise impact. These tools and systems help them raise their ambition with their 5 year plan. If they wish they can then use our Action Summit workshop process to bring fresh ideas and innovation for an even more powerful and easier 5 year plan using the wisdom of the crowd.
If you are familiar with Hackathons…it’s the same concept, just we make the facilitation seem less techy and more inclusive.
Now that they are off and running with our extra support, we introduce them to the wider Food Waste Victoria community and the wider global Food Waste community, and get our matchmaking platform to help them get their problems or needs solved by providing the collaborative introductions.
At that point it’s time to start running the Food Waste Victoria Action Summits where we bring the stakeholders of the Food Waste Victoria ecosystem together so they can ‘hack’ the problems that need to be solved so that disruptive change is implemented and food waste in Victoria is slashed.
As each and every Climateer organization and individual takes steps in their Hero’s Journey we celebrate the wins and shine a spotlight on the most impactful innovations and systems.This cross pollinates the good into the 500 or so other regions around the world so that the best of the best is implemented globally with a sense of community, achievement and urgency.
Apart from our central strengths of creating Collaboration and Community, the other key part to our business model is to help drive Talent and Finance into these Climate Solutions regions.
We make it easy for people to volunteer or change careers to bring their skills, passions and networks into solving the Climate Crisis. We also catalyse the flow of finance, whether it be investment or philanthropy into the sector, so that the investors and philanthropists with the money can make better decisions about how they deploy their money and make it easier for the businesses, non profits and researchers to get the funding they need to thrive.
And as all of this is happening, value is being created from the elimination of wasted efforts , wasted resources and wasted food.
And that value is what brings the money in , that catalyses the good…that brings in the sponsors and the supporters who spend money each year for our premium offerings and in the process create the returns for those Founding Climateers who kick started the whole process.
And all this started with a Crowd Equity Funding campaign that became a prototype for other regions and other Climate solutions whether it be seaweed farming in Indonesia or electric vehicles in India and Romania. Thanks!