Position Vacancies

Invest your time and earn shares

We have positions vacant in all departments of the organization. Until we launch our crowd equity funding campaign these are mainly limited to our Information Technologfy department and to Virtual assistants.

We have a large number of part-time contract positions for a 12 month period in exchange for shares. 40% of our company share capital has been allocated for our ESOP (Employee Share Option Program) so that we can build a global ‘dream team’ of values-aligned, purpose-driven people wanting to use their skills and passion to lean into the climate crisis.

JOB DESCRIPTIONS – coming soon

We will shortly be listing job descriptions and the hours associated with each role.

Roles are typically 4 to 8 hours a week and are designed to be worked in addition to your regular ‘day job’. The Solutions and Regions jobs are 4 hours per week and involve building online community and managing volunteer activities.

Successful applicants will be able to work with online workflows and be familar with the Google workspaces. Weekly timesheets will need to be completed and every 3 months shares will be vested via our Employee Share Option Program (ESOP) platform at Cake Equity.

We also have volunteer roles in most of the solutions and regions if you aren’t available 4 hours per week.

if you’re interested, please send an email to jobs@climateers.com or volunteer@climateers.com

Please click on the links below to join our Community Spaces:   

Jobs  :: Volunteers

and our Department Spaces:

Advisory ::  Strategy & Growth :: Operations :: People & Culture :: Finance & Legal :: Information technology :: Communications :: Community :: Solutions :: Product

Advisory Board / Advisory Council (18)

Advisory Board Member x 8 :: Advisory Councillor x 10

Strategy & Growth (42)

Growth Lead :: Solutions Directory Manager :: Solutions Directory Leads x 40

Operations (2)

Head of Operations :: Workflow Manager

People & Culture (5)

Head of People & Culture :: Talent Acquisition Lead :: Talent Acquition Specialist :: Learning & Development Lead :: Learning Developer

Finance & Legal (4)

Finance Lead :: Accounts Manager :: General Counsel :: Governance Manager

Information Technology (6)

Head of I.T. :: Platform Architect :: WordPress Lead :: Lowcode Lead :: Lowcode Developer :: IT Services Lead

Communications (11)

Communications Lead :: Head of Storytelling :: Head of Brand / Creative Lead :: Graphics Manager :: Video Production Manager :: Video Editing Manager :: Infographics Lead :: Marketing Manager :: Social Media Manager :: LinkedIn Manager  :: SEO & SEM Manager ::

Community (292)

Head of Community :: UX Lead :: Stakeholder engagement lead :: Learning & Events Lead :: Community Spaces Lead :: Spaces Manager (regions) :: Spaces Manager (solutions) :: Spaces Manager (languages) :: Spaces Manager (skills) :: Spaces Lead (solutions) x 40 :: Spaces Lead (regions)x 80 :: Community Support Lead :: LinkedIn Groups Manager (solutions) :: LinkedIn Groups Manager (regions) :: LinkedIn Groups Lead (solutions) x 40 :: LinkedIn Groups Lead (regions) x 80 :: Facebook Groups Manager (solutions) x 40

Solutions (2)

Head of Solutions : Research Manager

Product (3)

Head of Product : Membership Lead :: Sponsorship Lead


As listed above we have vacancies for each Solution such as Food Waste.

These vacancies are :

Directory Lead (solutions) :: Community Spaces Lead (solutions) :: LinkedIn Groups Lead (solutions) : Facebook Groups Lead (solutions)

The list below identifies which 40 solutions we are initially targeting our recruitment.

If you are interested in joining our community that’s kickstarting Climateers, then please join one of our spaces

Directory Lead (solutions) :: Community Spaces Lead (solutions) :: LinkedIn Groups Lead (solutions) : Facebook Groups Lead (solutions)

Built Environment

Building materials :: HVAC- Cooling Systems :: :: Insulation :: Smart buildings :: Smart cities

Food & Agriculture

Agrivoltaics , Agroforestry , Alternative protein , Biochar , Biodiversity , Carbon farming , Clean Cooking , Fishing & Seafood , Food waste , Indigenous farming :: Local food systems , Plant-rich Diets , Pollination , Regenerative agriculture


Biofuels , Carbon capture and storage , Carbon footprints , Electric Trucks , Energy efficiency , Energy storage , Fuel cells , Heat Pumps , Hydrogen , Microgrids , Smart grids , Solar Energy , Waste to Energy , Wind energy


Ammonia , Cement , Fertilizers , Methanol , Refrigerant Management , Steel

Nature – Land Systems

Habitat restoration , Rewilding , Tree planting

Nature – Oceans & Coasts

Algae , Blue economy , Mangroves , Seaweed

Society & Economy

Carbon trading , Circular economy , Climate education , Climate investments , Degrowth , Divestment , Electrify everything , Emissions trading system , Fast Fashion


Electric aviation , Electric vehicles , Electric trucks , Smart Logistics


As listed above we have vacancies for each region  such as Victoria.

These vacancies are  Directory Lead (regions) :: Community Spaces Lead (regions) :: LinkedIn Groups Lead (regions)

The list below identifies which 80 regions we are initially targeting our recruitment.


If you’d like to help kickstart things locally then please join our Community Spaces for:

Directory Lead (regions) :: Community Spaces Lead (regions) :: LinkedIn Groups Lead (regions)




Australia , ACT ,  New South Wales , Northern Territory , Queensland , South Australia , Tasmania , Victoria , Western Australia

China , Hong Kong , Indonesia , Japan , Malaysia , New Zealand , Philippines , Singapore , South Korea

Europe – Great Britain Ireland

Austria , Belgium , Denmark , Finland , France , Germany , Greece , Ireland , Italy , Netherlands , Northern Ireland , Norway , Poland , Spain , Sweden , Switzerland , United Kingdom ,  London

Latin America

Central America , South America , Brazil , Mexico

Middle East – Central Asia

Middle East , Turkey

North America

Canada , Alberta , British Columbia , Ontario , Quebec ,


USA , Arizona , California , Los Angeles, San Francisco , Colorado , Florida , Georgia , Illinois , Indiana ,  Maryland , Massachusetts , Michigan , Minnesota , Missouri , New Jersey , New York , North Carolina , Ohio , Oregon , Pennsylvania , Philadelphia,   Tennessee,  Texas,  Virginia,  Washington , Wisconsin

South Asia

India , Delhi , Maharashtra , Pakistan , Sri Lanka