who we are

About The Alliance

We are a subsidiary company of Climateers that is launching  to help solve the Climate Crisis.

The Alliance exists to showcase the people, businesses, non profit organizations and other supporting stakeholders who crave greater climate ambition.

We understand the science and that 1.5C is a target we cannnot let go of easily if we are to minimise the harm to life on this planet and want to give us the best chance to avoid the tipping points that could destroy our way of life.

We are an alliance of ‘ordinary people’ coming together on our own Hero’s Journey to leverage our skills, passions and networks and treat this as a Climate Emergency.

We help seed the collaborations needed to catalyse the rapid global deployment of climate solutions. We are Solutionists, not just activists leaning on Governments to save us.

We are an alliance of the willing….of people and organizations pledging that they:
1. Accept that this is a Climate Emergency yet hope exists and we can rewrite the ending to this story

2. Pledge their help to support creating a Climate Solutions movement whether financially, through volunteering or simply spreading the word.

Find out more about Climateers at our main website